Hoyt and Bernice enjoying a Ranch Stay

Hoyt and Bernice Odom have submitted some beautiful pictures from their stay at  their daughter’s home.

Hoyt and I have spent about 1 1/2 months visiting our daughter Cindy near Vacaville, CA.  She has a trailer house on a horse ranch and we have a full hook up while there. The ranch owner lets us stay without charge which is always nice.  

We enjoy being in the country and seeing the new foals and other ranch inhabitants.  We took care of Cindy’s ponds and 6 cats while she was away for a couple of weeks.  She was working with a Vet on a Horse Clinic in Mexico.   Hoyt has been helping Cindy wire the bus she is fixing up as a working RV to use on Horse Clinics. 

I have been doing more relaxing than working but have done some quilting and woodcarving.  We haven’t done any Square Dancing yet this summer.  Hope everyone is enjoying their summer as much as I am.
                     Bernice & Hoyt

001Cindy’s trailer house with the motor home through the trees.


Hollyhocks between the ponds.


Mares and foals in the fields


A mare with her new foal.


Goats hang out with the horses and help keep them calm.


Free "Ranch" chickens.





Parked beside Cindy’s trailer house.


Our view out the front of the motor home.


Looking toward the motor home past the breeding barn on the right. On the left is the Stallion barn.

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